
Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Above, last week's bubbles, with the basil plants the Russians brought as a gift (beware of Russians bearing gifts?). Prosecco is perfect recession wine. It has bubbles for celebration and blues-beating, and the price tag is wonderful. The Riondo was $10 before tax. Which matched its low alcohol content, hovering around 10%.

Carpene Malvolti was yesterday's purchase - dry, but smelling reassuringly of ripe grapes. $ 13.95 at Heights Chateau.

The silver spoon trick works excellently: slip one down the neck of the bottle in the fridge and it will preserve the bubbles for at least 3 days.


  1. just leaving the bottle uncorked, sans spoon in your fridge does just as well, if not better.

  2. m.heart..isn't it? I suspect the bubbles may stay there regardless, but don't want to waste any, in case.

    Beence: pliss?'s the point of bubbles if one can't drink them?

  3. Good way to celebrate ...and oh yes, Beence? Happy Canada Day!

    Keli'i and Ikaika

  4. Oh sorry, it's from The Matrix ...


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