
Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A pick me up, tira mi su, a tonic

So, quite aside from my therapeutic bag of Doritos, dipped into over two days, I bought a bottle of Prosecco and made some bagna cauda. The weather is just right for this wonderful dish: a bath of olive oil, lots of garlic and anchovies. The tonic part of it is the dish of raw vegetables - with all their vitamins and minerals - that are dipped into the bath. And the nice crust of baguette, hot from the oven, to sop up the oil, and to satisfy the craving for seratonin and endorphin-releasing carbs.

I switched to a Gigondas for the meal itself, because the white wine didn't feel right with the strong flavours of the garlic and salty anchovies. But the bubbly sure felt right slipping down my throat while I was chopping and slicing...

The early week news remains what it is, but very good things have been happening too, especially today, and there is a lot to look forward to and a great deal to reasonably hope for.


  1. Vas byt Marie! Marmite toast and/or slap chips are also good in testing times.

  2. Every packet of Doritos - not unlike a fortune cookie - contains a scroll of imprinted wisdom: 'This too shall pass' or alternatively 'ex malo bonum (from bad comes good)'.

  3. Marmite, definitely. I had chips already this month!

    Anonymous - that is a lovely thought.A scroll inside every Doritos bag...


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