
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Welcome to Vancouver!

On Vince's balcony, looking over the West End, a Bombay Sapphire martini with garlic-stuffed olives.

And below, the view from Granville Island, necessary culinary pitstop, over False Creek to some roof gardens.

More later.


  1. Well since the author hasn't mentioned it, I will: notice the size ratio between sailboat and towed canoe... Almost makes one wonder which is the main vessel. :-)

  2. Ooooooh aaaaaaah I feel the missing-Vancouver-vibe rearing its head again. Enjoy your time in the Pacific Northwest. Have a cappucino on me at the Granville Island market and/or a ride on the False Creek Ferry back to your martini (with garlic stuffed olives - wow!)in the West End.

  3. Yacht for sleeping, canoe for living?

    Anne - half the fun of Granville Island is getting there. I love these little ferries.

  4. I know. I know. I love the little ferries, and sunset over English Bay, and Granville Island delectables, and just about everything you mention!

  5. Oh! Now I'm missing Canada even more.And I'm not Canadian!Vancouver is pencilled-in for next year...


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