
Monday, June 18, 2007

Marijke's Last Night

So these are Bud and Cyril - part of the final celebration dinner to say goodbye to Marijke before she headed off to Cape Town yesterday. Somehow they got hold of my cellphone and tried the old 911 trick. Shame. They didn't know who they were dealing with...

We drank a bottle of Raats Cabernet Franc, 2003. Nice with a bit of a chill on it.

My parsley crop was chopped finely into some yummy French butter with lime to annoint the Clawed Boys.

My first fig! Very pale inside and absolutely sweet.

1 comment:

  1. had a good giggle about the hapless clawless boys!
    I have to confess you're right - surf & turf is over-rated. Individually each was good, but together....maybe I'll leave it to the yanks!


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